By the end of 2022, 33 trainees have obtained a diploma from the University of Lausanne with 60 ECTS credits. Twelve trainees received a fellowship from the South African  Medical Research Council, 7 trainees were supported by the Eastern Africa Consortium for Clinical Research, and 2 trainees received a fellowship from two Swiss philanthropic foundations.

CLASS 2022

Name Country Thesis title Publication
Daniel Sperling Czech Republic Maternal immunization in human and veterina ry medicine, with special focus on evaluation of impact of different time of booster vaccination on development of antibodies in colostrum after the sow vaccination against Neonatal Diarrhoea (ND) in piglets
Catherine Mkindi Tanzania MSP-1 Full length malaria vaccine (Sumaya Vac 1) boosts pre-existing natural immunity in malaria exposed adults of Bagamoyo, Tanzania