CLASS 2022
Name | Country | Thesis title | Publication |
Daniel Sperling | Czech Republic | Maternal immunization in human and veterina ry medicine, with special focus on evaluation of impact of different time of booster vaccination on development of antibodies in colostrum after the sow vaccination against Neonatal Diarrhoea (ND) in piglets | – |
Catherine Mkindi | Tanzania | MSP-1 Full length malaria vaccine (Sumaya Vac 1) boosts pre-existing natural immunity in malaria exposed adults of Bagamoyo, Tanzania | – |
CLASS 2021
Name | Country | Thesis title | Publication |
Deshnee Achary | South Africa | Investigating the Covid-19 vaccine uptake among healthcare workers in South Africa | – |
Daimon Bolga-Mwasamila | Tanzania | COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among Adults with Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus in Kilimanjaro Region - Tanzania | – |
Aimee L. Moore | Switzerland | Creating a Cross-Cultural, Validated Survey for Post-Graduate Nurses in the Canton of Vaud to Identify Any Gaps in Undergraduate Studies related to Content Taught Centered Around Vaccines and Vaccinations | – |
Maryam Bellamine | Morocco | Analysis of the possible contribution of human challenge trials in accelerating SARS-COV-2 vaccine licensure | – |
Adele Daleke Lisi Aluma | Democratic Republic Congo | How to reduce vaccine hesitancy for COVID-19 vaccine in Kinshasa (DRC)? | – |
CLASS 2020
Name | Country | Thesis title | Publication |
Benjamin Watyaba | Uganda | Knowledge and reporting of adverse events following childhood immunization among health workers and caregivers at Mengo Hospital, Kampala. | – |
Nasimu Kyakuwa | Uganda | Determinants and level of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among healthcare workers in Entebe municipality, Wakiso district. | – |
One Bridget Dintwe | South Africa | Achieving Intracellular Cytokine staining assay concordance on two continents to assess HIV vaccine-induced T-cell responses. | J. Leukocyte Biol. |
Allan Baguma | Uganda | Effect of covid 19 pandemic and national lockdown on utilization of childhood immunization services at Kisenyi Health Centre IV health facility in Kampala | – |
Asha Mary Thombrayil | South Africa | The Burden of Respiratory Disease Amongst Hospitalized Adults in Soweto, 2017-2019 | – |
Güliz Vanli Jaccard | Switzerland | The effects of COVID-19 vaccination and natural infection on preterm birth and spontaneous abortion – A systematic review and meta-analysis – | – |
Lisa Jose | South Africa | Challenges associated with the enrolment into a paediatric vaccine trial in soweto, South Africa, during the COVID 19 pandemic | – |
Violet Nakibuuka | Uganda | Prevalence and factors associated with human papillomavirus vaccination among adolescents girls aged 9 to 19 years living with HIVat Mulago ISS Clinic, Kampala, mUganda | – |
Gerhardt Boukes | South Africa | Developing novel mucosal adjuvant formulations using chitosan as mucoadhesive for human and/or animal vaccines | – |
Nivashnee Naicker | South Africa | Point-of-care evaluation of HPV vaccine types in women initiating antiretroviral treatment in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa | – |
Angelica Gende | Kenya | Human papillomavirus vaccine hesitancy among females (9-14 years) in informal settlements of mathare, Nairobi county | – |
Sutika Bhikha | South Africa | A systematic review of an online COVID-19 vaccine trial Pre-Screening tool, for the NVX2019NCOV501 Clinical trial, utilized at recruiting clinical sites in South Africa. | – |
CLASS 2019
Name | Country | Thesis title | Publication |
Vojislav Cvetkovic | Austria | A systematic review on adjuvants in inactivated swine, poultry, and fish vaccines | – |
Duduzile Ndwandwe | South Africa | Using quality improvement approach to address Vaccine 2020, 8 705-713 missed opportunities for vaccination in OR Tambo district Eastern Cape | – |
Nobubelo Ngandu | South Africa | A proof-of-concept for a bioinformatics platform to track genetic diversity of transmitted-founder viruses and coverage by vaccine immunogens, in search for HIV-1 subtype C correlates of protection in Southern Africa. | – |
Christoph Waehner | Germany | Mucosal immunity in the pig respiratory tract by immunization using inactivated Influenza antigen in combination with adjuvants and/or carriers | – |
Esther Mumbi Makanga | Kenya | Factors associated with incomplete or delayed and complete vaccination among Kenyan children 0-24 months: A systematic review | – |
Mammekwa Mokgoro | South Africa | An assessment of the reporting quality of vaccine trials conducted in South Africa. | – |
CLASS 2018
Three students of the class 2018 have the diploma with 60 ETSC from the University of Lausanne.
Name | Country | Thesis title | Publication |
Mihaela Buzduga | Switzerland | Private practice pediatricians’ approach and strategies when confronted with vaccine hesitancy: a French-speaking Switzerland survey. | – |
Thandeka Khoza | South Africa | Preparation of a clinical batch of Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae bacterin. | – |
Tladi Ledibane | South Africa | Cost analysis of the school-based HPV vaccination programme in Tshwane Health District. | – |
Lungiswa Mtingi-Nkonzombi | South Africa | Hepatitis B vaccination response in patients with end stage kidney disease on renal replacement therapy (haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) at a tertiary centre in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa | – |
CLASS 2016
All students of the class 2016 have successfully passed the defense exam and received their diploma with 60 ETSC from the University of Lausanne.
Name | Country | Thesis title | Publication |
Nicolas Peyraud | Switzerland | Potential use of microarray patches for vaccine delivery in low- and middle-incomes country | Vaccine 2019, 37:4427-4434. |
Luc Christian Gwom | Cameroon | Challenges and opportunities in introducing HPV vaccine in Cameroon and other African countries | – |
Rodrigo Romero Feregrino | Mexico | Ten years of experience in Mexico in the acquisition of vaccinesProgram on Immunization (EPI) | Vaccines 2023, 11(2), 337 |
Bontle Motloung | South Africa | A cross sectional study into the expanded program on immunization vaccine (EPI) cold chain management among health care workers in the Eastern Cape province, 2019. | – |
For further information, clic on each (red) country on the map

Class 2016
Rodrigo Romero Feregrino
Class 2019
Vojislav Cvjetkovi
Class 2016
Luc Christian Gwom
Class 2019
Christoph Waehner
Class 2019
Angelica Gende
South Africa
South Africa
Class 2020
One Bridget Dintwe
Asha Mary Thombrayil
Lisa Jose
Gerhardt Boukes
Nivashnee Naicker
Sutika Bhikha
Class 2019
Duduzile Ndwandwe
Nobubelo Ngandu
Mammekwa Mokgoro
Class 2018
Lungiswa Stella Mtingi-Nkonzombi
Thandeka Khoza
Tladi Daniel Ledibane
Class 2016
Bontle Motloung
Class 2021
Aimee L. Moore
Class 2020
Güliz Vanli Jaccard
Class 2018
Mihaela Buzduga
Class 2016
Nicolas Peyraud
Class 2019
Paul Mutani
Class 2021
Daimon Bolga Mwasamila
Class 2022
Catherine Mkindi
Class 2020
Allan Baguma
Benjamin Watyaba
Nasimu Kyakuwa
Violet Nakibuuka
Czech Republic
Czech Republic
Class 2022
Daniel Sperling
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Class 2021
Adele Daleke Lisi Aluma
Class 2021
Maryam Bellamine